Monday, February 15, 2010

criteria for a great movie

There are hundreds of thousands of movies that have been made of every genre imaginable. From comedy to romance, action to suspense, science fiction to true stories, there are movies out there for everyone to enjoy no matter what their preference may be. I am a huge film lover and I appreciate the entertainment value in most movies I watch. So when I was asked, what in my opinion makes for a great movie, I had to sleep on it for a few days and really give it some thought. After a few days of gathering my thoughts I came up with a few elements that make a great movie, in my opinion. The first thing I look for in a good movie is a believable story line. Science fiction movies are fun but that's all they are to me. I want to appreciate the story itself more then the production value of the film. I look for a struggle between the main character and the antagonist that is "real". A struggle that people can relate to in their everyday lives. I also appreciate a very strong character. A character who shows perseverance and strength throughout the story. I like strong actors that give powerful performances and convey pain and struggle to perfection. But for me, the most important element of a movie is whether or not the movie has a lasting impression on you. I love when I feel like I am better for having watched the film. A movie that you can watch over and over and never get tired of it. This "great movie" for me is Shawshank Redemption. This is a dramatic movie that has real human struggle and depicts a man who never loses hope and never gives up on life and refuses to be beat. I can watch this movie anytime and it still gives me the chills. Shawshank Redemption is a timeless movie and it has everything I love about films.

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