Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Raging Bull (1980)

Director: Martin Scorsese

Cinematographer: Michael Chapman

Shot #1:Ext, LS-ES, Low Angle, Mounted, Outside of the Barbizon Plaza

Shot#2: Ext, ES,High Angle, Mounted, Sign reading A Night with Jake Lomatta ft. the Works of
Patty Chajefsky and Rod Serling

Shot#3: Int, ES, Low Angle, Mounted, Establishing the setting of the dressing room

Shot#4: Int, ES, Eye Level, Mounted, Establishing the setting of the dressing room

Shot#5: Int, ES, Eye Level, Mounted, Establishing the setting of the dressing room

Shot#6: Int, ES, Eye Level, Mounted, Establishing the setting of the dressing room

Shot#7: Int, Medium Close up, Eye Level, Mounted, Shot of Jake Lomatta from behind as he recites a scene from On the Waterfront into the mirror before he goes out to do his show.

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